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Ask a Bookseller: ‘Yours Truly’

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Yes, Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but we couldn’t resist getting a romance recommendation on Ask a Bookseller. Rachel Harris of Four Pines Bookstore in Bemidji recommends one with a local setting and a lot of feels: “Yours Truly” by Abby Jimenez.

Set at a fictional Minneapolis hospital, two ER doctors butt heads in person before discovering their connection through good old-fashioned letters.

Yours Truly
"Yours Truly" by Abby Jimenez.

Dr. Briana Ortiz is emerging from a divorce and vying for a better position at work, a position that looks likely to go to the new guy, Dr. Jacob Maddox.

She is more than ready to dislike him when he surprises her by giving her a written letter. Jacob lives with social anxiety, and on paper he proves himself to be funny and very much likeable.

Harris appreciates that it’s the male in this story who suffers from social anxiety, an issue readers so often see from a female perspective.

Harris also wants dog lovers to know that there’s a great one in this book: a 3-legged pup named Lieutenant Dan.