A werewolf novel to sink your teeth into

'Red Moon'
Cover of Benjamin Percy's new novel "Red Moon."
Image courtesy Grand Central Publishing

There's nothing cuddly about the werewolves, or "lycans," in Benjamin Percy's novel, "Red Moon." They combine the supernatural horror of classic monster stories with the modern-day terror of 9/11, and the result is a complicated and compelling story that, in the words of the New York Times, "resists encapsulation":

Percy recasts virtually every social-justice struggle over the last half-century in lycanthropic terms, from desegregation to the desire of peace-¬loving American Muslims to go about their business without being treated like pariahs. On the surface, it's a clever conceit, but allegory doesn't let you pick your meanings a la carte.


Author Benjamin Percy takes werewolves seriously
Don't let Percy's self-deprecation fool you. He writes seriously scary stories, including his new novel "Red Moon." He has always been fascinated by werewolves, beings who transform into raging beasts. Percy has done a lot of thinking about them and why they strike a chord with so many people. (MPR News)

Benjamin Percy translates modern worries into werewolves and the apocalypse in 'Red Moon'
Benjamin Percy didn't set out to write a typical werewolf novel. The 34-year-old author says he's "always loved the epic novel — the kind that swallows up your life, that tangles you in its complicated web — and I've always wanted to write one." And his new book "Red Moon" is just that. The sweeping tome is a mixture of a supernatural thriller (hello, werewolves!), a love story and a political allegory all wrapped up into one insanely readable package. (metro.us)