Should you quit without a backup plan?

'Mastering the Art of Quitting'
'Mastering the Art of Quitting' by Peg Streep and Alan Bernstein
Book cover courtesy of publisher

A little more than a year ago, Tess Vigeland was riding high in one of the best jobs of her life. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, she quit. She was feeling so restless that leaving her high-profile job as host of Marketplace Money seemed like the best option, even without a backup plan.

Six months later, Vigeland was about to give a speech at the World Domination Summit — a three-day event where people of varying degrees of fame told their inspiring, life-changing stories.

Unfortunately, she wasn't feeling too inspiring. A few days before this speech, Vigeland found out that she had failed to get a dream job she had thought was all but in the bag.

She soldiered on and people started to listen, laugh and empathize with her story. The speech went viral and she got a book deal out of it. This was not what she was expecting when she quit her job, but now it's her life.

Vigeland will bring her familiar voice back to the radio on The Daily Circuit to talk about what has happened to her since she quit. Peg Streep, co-author of "Mastering the Art of Quitting," will also be on hand to lend her expertise.

Listen to Vigeland's speech here: