Author Steven Raichlen coaxes men from grill to kitchen

Tending the grill at the block party.
Wesley G. Smith tended the grill at a National Night Out block party in the Bryant neighborhood of south Minneapolis on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013.
MPR Photo/Julie Siple

"Cookery is become an art, a noble science," wrote the scholar Robert Burton in the 17th century. "Cooks are gentlemen."

But are gentlemen cooks?

Not all of them. Men are underrepresented in the kitchen — at least enough to justify the publication of "Man Made Meals: The Essential Cookbook for Guys." The author, Steven Raichlen, also wrote "Planet Barbecue," but in this book he coaxes his readers indoors and into the kitchen.

• On the blog: What the men of Minnesota are cooking

Blogger Robert Rosenthal at The Huffington Post argues that men don't like consulting recipes any more than they like asking directions. "We need to understand basic concepts first," he said, "and then work out the rest on our own."

Accordingly, Raichlen offers philosophy along with recipes. A review in the Denver Post distills Raichlen's message:

• Knowledge is power. The more you know about ingredients and basic technique, the better you will cook.

• You don't need to know how to cook everything. Master a few iconic dishes and you'll be set.

• You hunger for flavor. Go bold.

• How you cook matters as much as what you cook.

• Eat what's good for you and the planet.

Raichlen joins The Daily Circuit to talk about what men can do in the kitchen, once they try.