Worrisome trend: Four Minnesota motorcyclists dead in four days

Eleven motorcycle riders — including four in four recent days — have died in Minnesota so far in 2015.

It's the highest number of rider deaths at this point in the riding season since 1994, when such record keeping began, Minnesota officials said Thursday.

"With an early spring, we have had more riders on the road," State Patrol Lt. Tiffani Nielson said in a statement. "Riders and motorists should be alert and take steps to preventing crashes."

The most recent deaths happened Saturday through Tuesday in four separate crashes. Only one of the crashes involved another vehicle, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety said.

Of 106 traffic deaths in Minnesota so far in 2015, 10 percent were motorcyclists, the department added.

Seven of the motorcyclists killed so far this year were older than 45. Two were in their late 30s and two were in their early 20s. Four of the 11 riders killed were wearing helmets.

"Preliminary reports point to rider error, such as speeding and losing control, playing a factor in several of the crashes this year," the agency added.

Click on the photo for safety tips and other info about motorcycles on the road.