Remembering Errol Brown's contributions to Hot Chocolate

Errol Brown
Performing artist Errol Brown performed in concert during the Best Disco in Town - Live 2004 event at the Brisbane Entertainment Center on Sept. 17, 2004, in Brisbane, Australia.
Jonathon Wood | Getty Images 2004

Today's Morning Edition music is from "You Sexy Thing" by Hot Chocolate, in honor of Errol Brown who died this week at the age of 71.

Brown co-wrote and sang this song and others for Hot Chocolate.

He was born in Jamaica, but his family moved to the United Kingdom when he was 12.

His music career began in 1969 when he and some friends sent their reggae version of "Give Peace a Chance" to John Lennon. Lennon responded with an offer to sign the group to Apple Records.

Hot Chocolate had a series of hit records in the 1970s and Brown was eventually made a Most Excellent Member of the Order of the British Empire for his contribution to pop music.