Is America getting more liberal on social issues?

Pride photo spot
Brandon Breault fanned his son Spencer Wohlman, 15 months, as people took group photos in Target's Take Pride area of the Twin Cities Pride Festival in Loring Park in Minneapolis June 28, 2015.
Courtney Perry for MPR News

A recent Gallup poll shows Americans moving left on key moral issues such as gay marriage and assisted suicide.

Gallup declared "the moral acceptability ratings for 10 of the issues measured since the early 2000s are at record highs" and "more Americans now rate themselves as socially liberal than at any point in Gallup's 16-year trend, and for the first time, as many say they are liberal on social issues as say they are conservative."

Are those changing views of social issues translating to the political realm? MPR News' Kerri Miller looks at what's causing more moral tolerance.

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