How to send us a voice recording

Voice memos are a simple and easy way to add your voice to the conversation on MPR News. If you own a smartphone, you can use an app to record and email an audio message to our producers.

If you own an iPhone, follow the instructions below. If you have an Android phone, you may need to download a Voice Memo app like Easy Voice Recorder, and follow the app's instructions.

How to record a voice memo on an iPhone

1) Locate the Voice Memo app

iPhones come with a Voice Memo app pre-installed. It is usually stored under "Utilities." If you can't find it, just use the search function on your phone and type in Voice Memo.

Open the Voice Memo app
Open the Voice Memo app on your iPhone.
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The Voice Memo app looks like this when you open it. To begin, press the red button. You'll know it's working when the timer starts running.

Press the red button to begin recording.
Press the red button to begin recording.
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2) Record your message

Hold the phone up to your face like you normally would for a phone call. After pressing the red button, start by introducing yourself: My name is __________ and I am from _____________.

Keep your audio message casual, and avoid reading from a script. There's no need to keep an eye on the clock, but try to limit your message to one minute or less — about the time it takes to leave a regular voicemail.

When you're finished recording, tap the red button again. This will pause your recording. To finish, press "Done."

After stopping the recording, press "Done."
After stopping the recording, press "Done."
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The app will prompt you to name and save the recording. It is helpful for MPR News if you include your name in the file title. Then hit "Save."

Save your recording.
Save your recording.
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3) Send it to us!

Your completed audio message will then appear in your list of Voice Memos. To send it to MPR News, tap the message and hit the share icon: The rectangle with an arrow in it.

Select your recording and press the share icon.
Select your recording and press the share icon.
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Select "Mail" from the share options. To send your memo to the 74 Seconds team, email it to

Please include your name and location in the body of the email. If we need to follow up with you for any reason, we will use this email address.