Morning Edition

A profile photo of Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Expert calls spread of bird flu to Midwest a ‘wait-and-see’ situation
A farm worker in Barron, Wis., is recovering from mild illness after being infected with bird flu. And in California, cows at 645 farms have tested positive for bird flu and the dairy industry has been hit so hard in that state that California has declared a state of emergency.
Home monitoring helps moms track blood pressure after birth, reducing risks 
High blood pressure disorders affect one in seven patients during pregnancy or after delivery, leading to an increased risk of dangerous complications that can include stroke, heart failure and seizures.
Minnesota hastens to regulate helium mining after deposit discovery near Babbitt
Minnesota is scrambling to figure out how to regulate a potential new industry — one discovered by accident — that is both extremely valuable and in demand.
‘Pure evil’: Madeline Kingsbury’s family, friends decry abuse that led to her murder
Before sentencing Adam Fravel to a mandatory term of life without parole, Judge Nancy Buytendorp noted the profound effect of his abuse — a pattern of behavior that led him ultimately to kill his former partner. 
Impacts of Rapidan Dam breach on Minnesota likely to be long-lasting
Six months after the Blue Earth River carved its way around the Rapidan Dam near Mankato, the surrounding community is still coming to terms with the damage and its longer-term implications. Sediment levels in the river remain high, and a nearby bridge is now being replaced.