Business and Economic News

The secret to preparing a sheep for a show
Becky Tonne of Grenada, Minn., raises Suffolk sheep. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked with her at the Minnesota State Fair about how she prepares her sheep to show.
Potential fall of farmland prices sparks fears of a bust
Minnesota's farmland is worth about $100 billion, and given that land often accounts for 80 percent of a farm's assets, that value has served as an economic engine. It provides farmers the collateral they need to buy equipment and grow crops.
It’s become a fairly common game in business to extract public dollars in exchange for creating additional jobs, but in Wisconsin, Ashley Furniture is getting $6 million from the state in exchange for laying people off. According to the Milwaukee State Journal, the $6 million tax credit was awarded in January to the company in…
12 steps for managing money: Chris Farrell at MPR State Fair booth:
Diversify your portfolio, pay off your credit cards, keep things simple: These are some of the 12 steps for managing your money over a lifetime that our economics guru Chris Farrell suggests.
Are food boats the next food trucks? Don't count on it
Most of the food boats out there seem to be the only one in their community. And while the number of food truck is growing nationwide, food boats are a movement so quiet that nearly every food boat owner I spoke with had never heard of any of the others.