Rev. Thomas Adamson
Rev. John Brown
Rev. Cosmas Dahlheimer
Rev. Gilbert DeSutter
Rev. Gilbert Gustafson
Rev. Louis Heitzer
Rev. Rudolph Henrich
Rev. Francis Hoefgen
Rev. Richard Jeub
Rev. Dennis Kampa
Rev. Robert Kapoun
Rev. Jerome Kern
Lee Krautkremer
Rev. Ronan Charles Liles
Rev. Alfred Longley
Rev. Brennan Maiers
Rev. Timothy McCarthy
Rev. John McGrath
Rev. Paul Palmitessa
Rev. Joseph Pinkosh
Rev. Francis Reynolds
Rev. Richard Skluzacek
Rev. Michael Stevens
Rev. Thomas Stitts
Rev. Robert Thurner
Rev. Clarence Vavra
Rev. Joseph Wajda
Rev. Raymond Walter
Rev. Curtis Wehmeyer
Rev. Robert Zasacki

Rev. Thomas Adamson
Adamson took a leave of absence in 1984. Still a priest. Lives in Rochester.
Adamson, 80, has been accused of molesting dozens of boys. He was a defendant in the first lawsuit filed in 2013 under a new Minnesota law that allows victims of child sexual abuse to bring claims decades later. Adamson has been the focus of several lawsuits but has never faced criminal charges. Church documents reviewed by MPR News show he admitted the abuse and showed little remorse.
Assignment history
May 31, 1958: Ordained
1958: Assistant priest at St. Casimir and instructor at Cotter High School (Winona)
1961: Assistant principal and assistant pastor St. Adrian High School and parish (Adrian)
1963: Assistant priest at St. John and superintendent of Catholic schools (Caledonia)
1964: Assistant principal, Lourdes High School (Rochester)
1966: Administrator, St. Clement (Hammond)
1967: Chaplain at Lea College and assistant pastor at St. Theodore (Albert Lea)
1968: Assistant principal at Lourdes High School (Rochester), administrator at St. Lawrence O'Toole (Fountain) and St. Killian (Wykoff)
1971: Pastor, St. Francis (Rochester)
1975: St. Leo the Great (St. Paul)
1976: Associate priest, St. Boniface (St. Bonifacius) and St. Thomas Aquinas (St. Paul Park)
1979: Administrator, Immaculate Conception (Columbia Heights)
1981: Risen Savior (Apple Valley)
1984: Leave of absence
Photo courtesy of the Keenan family

Rev. John Brown
Prohibited from ministry. Still a priest. Lives in St. Paul.
A man accused the Rev. John Brown, 93, in July of sexually abusing him during the 1960s.
David Pususta told MPR News last summer that Brown sexually abused him several times. Brown admitted to looking at boys' genitalia in an MPR News interview.
Assignment history
Ordained June 5, 1948
1948: Associate priest, St. Timothy (Maple Lake)
1949: Associate priest, Sacred Heart (Robbinsdale)
1950: Associate priest, St. John (St. Paul)
1951: Associate priest (Hopkins)
1956: Chaplain, U.S. Army
1958: Associate priest, St. Mary (Le Center)
1960: Temporary administrator, St. Mary (Le Center)
1960: Administrator, St. Mary (Waverly)
1963: Pastor, St. Mary (Waverly)
1964: Pastor, St. Anthony of Padua (Minneapolis)
1966: Pastor, Church of the Immaculate Conception of Marysburg (Madison Lake)
1970: Pastor, Sacred Heart (Faribault)
1978: Pastor, St. Peter Claver (St. Paul)
1981: Pastor, Annunciation (Hazelwood)
Retired on July 31, 1990.
Resigned in June 2002.
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin

Rev. Cosmas Dahlheimer
Died in 2004 at age 95; was still a priest.
Cosmas Dahlheimer was named in lawsuits between 1990 and 1994, accused of sexually abusing four children.
He was one of more than a dozen priests and monks St. John's Abbey placed under restriction after accusations of sexual abuse, according to several newspaper reports. Dahlheimer was accused of abusing a minor at St. Augustine in St. Cloud, and three additional minors at St. Bernard in St. Paul, according to attorney Jeff Anderson.
Assignment history (partial)
June 6, 1936: Ordained
1973: Assistant priest, St. Bernard (St. Paul)
1935-1987: Dahlheimer served "in a dozen assignments... including teacher, novice master, associate pastor and pastor," according to victims' attorney Jeffrey Anderson.
Feb. 21, 2004: Died at age 95

Gilbert DeSutter
Prohibited from ministry as of April 2013; remains a priest. Lives in Mesa, Ariz.
Two lawsuits named the Rev. Gilbert DeSutter, 85, as having sexually abused two boys, according to court records and news reports.
The victim in a 1999 lawsuit accused DeSutter of "unpermitted and harmful sexual contact" in 1978 or 1979 when the plaintiff was 12 or 13. Archdiocesan leaders ordered DeSutter in 2002 to cease practicing any ministry due, in part, to complaints they received about his behavior with minors, according to internal church documents reviewed by MPR News.
Assignment history
1954: Associate priest, St. Mark (St. Paul)
1956: Associate priest, St. Mary (St. Paul)
1956: Associate priest, Annunciation, (Minneapolis)
1964: Associate priest, St. Peter (Richfield)
1968: Spiritual director, St. John Vianney Seminary (St. Paul)
1973: Pastor, Immaculate Conception (Faribault)
1976: Pastor, St. William (Fridley)
1983: Pastor, St. Michael (Prior Lake)
Retired June 1, 1993
Photo courtesy Jeff Anderson

Rev. Gilbert Gustafson
Remains a priest. Prohibited from ministry. Lives in St. Paul.
The Rev. Gilbert Gustafson, 62, pleaded guilty and was convicted of sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy.
He was sentenced to six months in jail. But a fellow priest, the Rev. Michael Kennedy, stated in a 2004 deposition that he told archdiocesan officials that Gustafson had sexually abused "eight or nine" victims. Three were teenage girls, and the rest were boys who were "11 or 12," Kennedy testified.
Assignment history
1977: Associate priest, St. Mary of the Lake (White Bear Lake)
1982: Associate director, Continuing Education & Spiritual Growth for Priests, Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (St. Paul)
1982: Student, Catholic University (Washington D.C.)
1983: Pro tem, Chancery, Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (St. Paul)
1988: In residence, St. Peter (Mendota)
Years unknown: Board member, Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute at St. John's Abbey (Collegeville)
Resigned in 2002
Rev. Louis Joseph Heitzer
Deceased. Died Nov. 24, 1969, at age 55.
A man in 2002 told the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Dallas that the Rev. Joseph Heitzer sexually abused him when he was 11, according to Minnesota news reports. "There's some indication that leaders of the archdiocese knew about allegations that Father Heitzer abused some children," one news story quotes then-archdiocesan Vicar General Rev. Kevin McDonough as saying, after he'd heard Heitzer's story.
Internal church documents reviewed by MPR News describe Heitzer as 'perhaps the most abusive priest ever to be a part of this Archdiocese' and alleged that "he abused boys every place he went."
Assignment history
1940: Ordained
1942: Associate priest, Most Holy Trinity (Winsted)
1944: Associate priest, St. Andrew (Fairfax)
1944: Associate pastor, Assumption (St. Paul)
1945: Associate priest, Holy Redeemer (Marshall)
1945: Associate priest, St. Mary Help of Christians (Sleepy Eye)
1948: Associate priest, St. Joseph (Waconia)
1948: Associate priest, St. Aloysius (Olivia)
1950: Administrator, Sacred Heart (Franklin)
1950: St. Patrick (Birch Coulee)
1954: Pastor, St. Joseph (Rosen)
1955: Pastor, St. Michael (Gaylord)
1955: St. Francis de Sales (Winthrop)
1956: Pastor, St. Luke (Clearwater)
1958: Pastor, St. Scholastica (New Prague)
1966: Associate priest, St. Richard (Richfield)
1967: St. Peter (Forest Lake)
1968: On sick leave
1969: Removed from ministry

Rev. Rudolph Henrich
Deceased. Died July 23, 1992, at age 86.
The Rev. Rudolph Henrich sexually abused several minors, according to a 2011 letter one of those victims said in October that he received from the archdiocese.
The Rev. Kevin McDonough, former archdiocesan vicar general, wrote that he had "spoken with several individuals who were abused by (Henrich)," that victim said in October. Church leaders described Henrich as one of many "priests with known abuse histories," according to internal archdiocesan documents reviewed by MPR News.
Assignment history
1933: Ordained
1933: Associate priest, St. James (St. Paul)
1937: Associate priest, Most Holy Trinity (Winsted)
1938: Associate pastor, St. Mark (Shakopee)
1938: Chaplain, State Training School for Boys (Red Wing)
1942: Chaplain, U.S. Navy
1946: Chaplain, State Training School for Boys (Red Wing)
1952: Chaplain, U.S. armed forces
1954: Pastor, St. Boniface (Stewart)
1957: Pastor, St. Margaret Mary (Golden Valley)
1976: Retired and permanently removed from ministry

Rev. Francis Hoefgen
Removed from the priesthood in 2012. Lives in Columbia Heights.
Francis Hoefgen, 63, was accused of sexually assaulting a boy from 1989 to 1992 when the boy was 10 to 13 years old, according to a lawsuit filed in November.
Assignment history
1980: St. Boniface (Cold Spring)
1985-1992: Associate priest, St. Boniface (St. Paul)
1984-1994: Confessor, Villa Maria Center (Frontenac)
Permanently removed from ministry in 2002
Left Order of St. Benedict, St. John's Abbey, and removed from priesthood in 2012
Photo courtesy Jeff Anderson

Rev. Richard Jeub
Remains a priest. Prohibited from ministry. Lives in Crosby.
Stories in Twin Cities newspapers reported at least three women said the Rev. Richard Jeub, 73, had some type of sexual contact with them when they were teenagers.
One woman said that Jeub in 1969 "kissed her, touched her inappropriately and repeatedly made remarks about her body while she was a 'naïve' 15-year-old." She accepted a settlement offer from the archdiocese.
Two other young women said Jeub kissed them when they were teenagers, according to internal archdiocesan documents reviewed by MPR News.
Assignment history
1966: Associate priest, St. Joseph (Hopkins)
1967: Associate priest, Our Lady of Grace (Edina)
1970: Associate priest, St. Mark (St. Paul)
1976: Associate priest, Christ the King (Minneapolis)
1978: Chaplain, Methodist Hospital (St. Louis Park) and Fairview Southdale Hospital (Edina)
1981: Pastor, St. Kevin (Minneapolis)
1990-1996: Leave of absence
1996: Associate priest, Sacred Heart (Robbinsdale)
1997: Associate priest, Sacred Heart/St. Lawrence (Faribault)
2000: Associate priest, St. Rose of Lima (Roseville)
Retired and permanently removed from ministry in 2002
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin

Rev. Dennis Kampa
Remains a priest. Prohibited from ministry. Lives in Victoria.
After the 2002 Charter, church leaders and the Rev. Dennis Kampa, 81, entered into an agreement that restricted the priest's behavior.
An archdiocesan official stated that Kampa had difficulty complying with that agreement, according to internal church documents reviewed by MPR News.
Assignment history
Ordained March 9, 1968
1968: Associate priest, Immaculate Conception (Faribault)
1969: Associate priest, St. Mark (St. Paul)
1972: Associate priest, St. Joseph (West St. Paul)
1974: Associate priest, Holy Family (St. Louis Park)
1976: Associate priest, Holy Trinity (South St. Paul)
1980: Pastor, St. Vincent de Paul (Osseo)
1989: Administrator, St. Michael (Pine Island)
1989: Administrator, St. Michael (Kenyon)
1990: Pastor, St. Michael (Pine Island)
Retired in 2002
Permanently removed from ministry in 2003
Photo: Getty Images/File

Rev. Robert Kapoun
Remains a priest. Prohibited from ministry. Lives in Cold Spring and Palmetto, Fla.
The Rev. Robert Kapoun, 75, has admitted to sexually abusing at least nine boys.
Kapoun molested them in saunas, rectories and the home where he now lives in Cold Spring, Minn. Five victims sued Kapoun for sexually abusing them during the 1980s and '90s.
Assignment history
1964: Ordained
1964: Associate priest, Holy Redeemer (Montgomery)
1967: Associate priest, St. Kevin (Minneapolis)
1971: Associate priest, St. Raphael (Crystal)
1974: Chaplain, Home of the Good Shepherd (St. Paul)
1976: Medical leave
1977: Pastor, St. Patrick (Cedar Lake) and administrator, St. Catherine (Spring Lake)
1984: Pastor, St. Scholastica (Heidelberg) and administrator, St. Joseph (Lexington)
1991: Pastor, St. Thomas (St. Thomas)
1996: Resigned
1998: Retired
2002: Permanently removed from ministry
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin

Rev. Jerome Kern
Remains a priest. Prohibited from ministry. Lives in Silver Bay.
Three men accused the Rev. Jerome Kern, 72, of sexually abusing them, according to court records and news reports.
One victim sued Kern in 1993 for sexually abusing him and the archdiocese settled in 1995. A news story reported that the archdiocese began a file on Kern in 1969 after the priest had been accused of grabbing the genitals of two boys.
Church leaders identified Kern as a priest whose child sexual abuse accusations were in dispute, according to internal archdiocesan documents reviewed by MPR News.
Assignment history
1966: Ordained
1967: Associate priest, St. Mark (St. Paul)
1970: Associate priest, Our Lady of Grace (Edina)
1975: Administrator, Our Lady of Grace (Edina)
1976: Co-pastor, Immaculate Heart of Mary (Minnetonka)
1994: Sabbatical (St. Paul Seminary)
1995: Temporary administrator, St. Dominic (Northfield)
1995: Associate priest, St. Peter (Forest Lake)
2002: Permanently removed from ministry
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin

Lee Krautkremer
No longer a priest. The pope granted his request to leave the priesthood on Sept. 1, 2006. Lives in Minneapolis.
Lee Krautkremer, 73, admitted in a deposition to sexually abusing five boys, two at a Boy Scout camp, during his 40 years as a priest.
Church leaders sent Krautkremer in 1987 to the St. Luke Institute, a Maryland-based facility that provides treatment for priests with sexual problems. After that, he also enrolled in a human sexuality offenders program at the University of Minnesota for more than three years.
Assignment history
1966: Ordained
1966: Associate priest, Immaculate Conception (Faribault)
1966: Associate priest, St. Peter (North St. Paul)
1967: Associate priest, St. Margaret Mary (Golden Valley)
1968: Associate priest, St. Michael (St. Michael)
1970: Associate priest, St. Michael (West St. Paul)
1975: Associate priest, St. Peter (Forest Lake)
1976: Director, Boy Scouts of America, Minneapolis-based chapter
1978: Pastor, St. Joseph (Lino Lakes)
1984: Pastor, St. Michael (St. Michael)
1987: Temporary administrator, Chancery (St. Paul)
1987: Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Minneapolis)
1987: Chaplain, North Memorial Hospital (Robbinsdale)
April 1, 2002: Resigned
April 15, 2002: Retired
2002: Permanently removed from ministry
Sept. 1, 2006: The pope granted his request to leave the priesthood
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin
Rev. Ronan C. Liles (also known as Charles Liles)
Retired Dominican priest. Archdiocesan officials believe he died sometime before 2006.
A lawsuit filed in the late 1990s accused the Rev. Ronan Liles, 71, of sexually abusing two brothers. The boys met Liles at a Boy Scout camp in 1969, when they were about 11 and 12 years old.
The brothers claimed Liles molested them and tried to rape them, and said the abuse progressed well into their teen years.
Hennepin County District Court threw out the lawsuit because of the statute of limitations - a decision that was upheld by the state appeals court.
Assignment history
1969: St. Albert the Great (Minneapolis)
1978: Dominican Fathers provincial office (Chicago)
1979: Dominican Fathers and Brothers, Southern Dominican Province (New Orleans)
1982: Leave of absence
1985: "Dismissed from order and dispensed from vows," according to archdiocesan officials.
Rev. Alfred Longley
Deceased. Died Feb. 3, 1974, at 60.
Not much is publicly known about Longley's time in ministry.
Assignment history
1939: Ordained
1939: Associate priest, Immaculate Conception (Faribault)
1942: Chaplain, U.S. Army
1952: Pastor, St. Richard (Richfield)
1962: Chaplain, Riverside Medical Center (Minneapolis)
1964: Pastor, St. Jude of the Lake (Mahtomedi)
1968: Permanently removed from ministry

Rev. Brennan Maiers
Remains a priest. Prohibited from ministry. Lives in Collegeville.
The Rev. Brennan Maiers, 77, is a member of the Order of St. Benedict, St. John's Abbey. He was permanently removed from ministry in 2002.
Assignment history
1983-1990: Pastor, St. Bernard (St. Paul)
2002: Permanently removed from ministry
Photo courtesy of Jeff Anderson
Rev. Timothy McCarthy
Remains a priest. Prohibited from ministry. Lives in St. Paul
A court found the Rev. Timothy McCarthy, 67, guilty of conspiracy to defraud the IRS out of more than $1 million in 2009, according to a Twin Cities news report.
Another story reported that McCarthy was cleared of an accusation that he had had criminal sexual contact with an inmate at the Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center in 2001.
Assignment history
1973: Associate priest, St. Leo (St. Paul)
1974: Associate priest, All Saints (Lakeville)
1977: Administrator, St. Andrew (Elysian)
1982: Associate priest, St. Peter Claver (St. Paul) and also served on special assignment
1984: Associate priest, Guardian Angels (Lake Elmo)
1984: Associate priest, St. Joseph (Lino Lakes)
1986: Pastor, Holy Redeemer (Maplewood)
Resigned, 1991

Rev. John McGrath
Died in 1995 at age 63.
Two women filed lawsuits in 1993 accusing the Rev. John McGrath of sexually abusing and exploiting them on church grounds at the St. Helena parish in Minneapolis, according to a Twin Cities news report.
Assignment history
1957: Associate priest, Nativity (St. Paul)
1965: Associate priest, St. Helena (Minneapolis)
1969: Associate priest, St. Andrew (St. Paul)
1970: Faculty, University of St. Thomas (St. Paul)
1976: Pastor, Sacred Heart (Robbinsdale)
Permanently removed from ministry in 1995
Photo courtesy of Jeff Anderson

Rev. Paul Palmitessa
Remains a priest; no longer in ministry. Lives in El Cajon, Calif.
The Rev. Paul Palmitessa, 82, retired in 1988 and performed limited ministry until 2012, according to the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Assignment history
1956: Associate priest, Cathedral of St. Paul (St. Paul)
1968: Pastor, Holy Redeemer (St. Paul)
1979: Pastor, St. Paul (Zumbrota)
1979: Administrator, St. Mary (Bellechester)
1982: Diocese of San Diego
Retired, 1998
Performed limited ministry until 2012
Photo courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society

Rev. Joseph Pinkosh
Absent from ministry without permission. Resigned in 1992. Lives in Columbia Heights.
The Rev. Joseph Pinkosh is 70. Not much is publicly known about his time in ministry
Assignment history
1969: Associate priest, St. Joseph (Hopkins)
1972: Associate priest, St. Wenceslaus (New Prague)
1974: Associate priest, Holy Cross (Minneapolis)
1981: Pastor, St. Patrick (Shieldsville)
Absent from ministry without permission
Resigned, 1992
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin
Rev. Francis Reynolds
Died in 1988. He was 65 or 66.
A woman sued the Rev. Francis Reynolds in 1991 and claimed he sexually abused her from about 1972 to 1984, according to a Twin Cities news report.
Assignment history
1955: Associate priest, Maternity of Mary (St. Paul)
1957: Associate priest, St. Patrick (St. Paul)
1964: Associate priest, Visitation (Minneapolis)
1966: Associate priest, St. Margaret Mary (Golden Valley)
1968: Pastor, St. Francis Xavier (Buffalo)
1985: Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Minneapolis)
Permanently removed from ministry in 1987

Rev. Richard Francis Skluzacek
Deceased. Died on Feb. 25, 2012 at age 79.
The Rev. Richard Francis Skluzacek was accused of fondling a 16-year-old boy in 1975, according to internal documents reviewed by MPR News.
Skluzacek agreed to have restrictions placed upon him, according to those documents.
Assignment history
1957: Associate priest, St. Stanislaus (St. Paul)
1964: Administrator, St. Stanislaus (St. Paul)
1966: Associate priest, St. Stephen (Anoka)
1967: Associate priest, Holy Redeemer (Montgomery)
1968: Administrator, Holy Trinity (Veseli)
1970: Administrator, St. Nicholas (New Market) and pastor, Holy Trinity (Veseli)
1974: Pastor, Corpus Christi (St. Paul)
1978: Pastor, St. Joseph (Hopkins)
1990: Chaplain, V.A. Medical Center (Minneapolis)
1998: Retired
2005: Permanently removed from ministry

Rev. Michael Stevens
Remains a priest; prohibited from ministry. Lives in Roseville.
The Rev. Michael Stevens, 58, pleaded guilty to criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree on Nov. 25, 1987, in Anoka County.
Stevens brought a mentally disabled boy to a hotel room to see him naked and fondle him over his clothes.
Stevens was an archdiocesan staff member who worked on church computers until 2002.
Assignment history
1980: Associate priest, St. Michael (Prior Lake)
1982: Associate priest, Epiphany (Coon Rapids)
1988: In residence, St. Mark (St. Paul)
1988: In residence, St. Adalbert (St. Paul)
2002: Resigned
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin

Rev. Thomas Stitts
Died on Oct. 10, 1985, at age 50.
Two men accused the Rev. Thomas Stitts of sexually abusing them in the 1960s, according to a lawsuit filed in 2010.
An archdiocesan spokesman at the time said, "We reject any claims of 'cover-up' in the strongest possible terms."
Assignment history
1962: Ordained
1962: Associate priest, St. Matthew (St. Paul)
1965: Associate priest, Our Lady of Grace (Edina)
1966: Associate priest, Guardian Angels (Hastings)
1970: Associate priest, Blessed Sacrament (St. Paul)
1970: Administrator, St. Leo (St. Paul)
1973: Pastor, St. George (Long Lake)
1980: Pastor, St. John the Baptist (New Brighton)
1985: Permanently removed from ministry
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin

Rev. Robert Thurner
Remains a priest; prohibited from ministry. Lives in Maplewood.
The Rev. Robert Thurner, 88, admitted in a deposition during a 1991 lawsuit to sexually abusing three boys.
Thurner also admitted to former Archbishop John Roach and other archdiocesan officials in a 1982 meeting that he had a "brief sexual relationship' with a 16-year-old boy. A woman said Thurner sexually abused her when she was "7 to 8 years old" in "approximately 1984 - 1985,"" according to a lawsuit filed in October.
Assignment history
1951: Associate priest, Most Holy Trinity (St. Louis Park)
1963: Associate priest, St. Luke (St. Paul)
1967: Pastor, St. Michael (Prior Lake)
1970: Pastor, St. John the Evangelist (Hopkins)
1983: Associate priest, St. Joseph (West St. Paul)
1986: Temporary administrator, St. Edward (Bloomington)
1986: Pastor, St. Therese (St. Paul)
Retired, 1991
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin

Rev. Clarence Vavra
Remains a priest; restricted from ministry. Lives in New Prague.
The Rev. Clarence Vavra, 74, admitted in a May 1995 psychological evaluation that he had attempted to anally rape a 9- or 10-year-old boy and that he sexually abused another child on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota during the mid-1970s.
Church leaders also suspected that Vavra had engaged in sex talk with a convicted multiple-murderer and had a sexual interest in a convicted child rapist. Archdiocesan officials gave the priest payments above his pension in exchange for agreeing to retire early.
Assignment history
1965: Associate pastor, St. Rose of Lima (Roseville)
1969: Chaplain, Minnesota House of Representatives (St. Paul)
1969: Associate pastor, St. Philip (Minneapolis)
1970: Associate pastor, St. Peter (North St. Paul)
1971: Associate pastor, Guardian Angels (Hastings)
1972: Unassigned/leave of absence
1975: Missionary, Rosebud Indian Reservation, S.D. 1976: Associate pastor, Holy Spirit (St. Paul)
1977: Pastor, Sacred Heart (Rush City) and administrator, St. Gregory (North Branch)
1978: Chaplain, Red Wing State Training School (Red Wing), moved to part-time position later that year 1979: Associate pastor, St. Wenceslaus (New Prague)
1979: Associate pastor, St. Jerome (Maplewood)
1981: Pastor, Most Holy Redeemer (Maplewood)
1986: Temporary assignment, Chancery (St. Paul)
1987: Temporary assignment, St. Genevieve (Centerville)
1987: Pastor, St. Nicholas (New Market)
1992: Temporary administrator, St. Philip (Minneapolis)
1993: Pastor, St. Philip (Minneapolis)
1996: Sabbatical to receive inpatient psychological treatment 1993: Associate priest, Nativity of Mary (Cleveland)
1997: Associate priest, Most Holy Redeemer (Montgomery) and associate priest, St. Patrick (Shieldsville)
Removed from ministry and retired in 2003
Photo: The Catholic Bulletin

Joseph Wajda
Remains a priest; prohibited from ministry. Lives in Minneapolis.
Four men accused the Rev. Joseph Wajda, 66, of sexually abusing them when they were boys, according to lawsuits. Wajda denies all accusations that he sexually abused any minors.
Assignment history
1973: Parochial vicar, St. Raphael (Crystal)
1977: Parochial vicar, Immaculate Conception (Columbia Heights)
1982: Parochial vicar, St. Rose of Lima (Roseville)
1986: Administrator, St. Joseph (Waconia)
1986: Administrator, Sts. Peter and Paul (Loretto)
1986: Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Minneapolis)
1987: Pastor, St. Andrew (St. Paul)
1989: Client at St. Luke Institute's treatment program (Suitland, Md.)
1990: Administrator, Blessed Sacrament (St. Paul)
1990: Parochial vicar, Blessed Sacrament (St. Paul)
1991: Auditor, Metropolitan Tribunal (St. Paul)
1992: Licentiate of Canon Law, Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.)
1994: Associate judge, Metropolitan Tribunal (St. Paul)
1996: Judicial vicar, Metropolitan Tribunal (St. Paul)
2002: Auditor, Metropolitan Tribunal (St. Paul)
1985: Permanently removed from ministry
Photo: The Catholic Spirit
Raymond Walter
Deceased. Died in 2003 at age 87 or 88.
Not much is publicly known atbout Walter's time in ministry.
Assignment history
1964-1978, 1981-1989: St. Alphonsus (Brooklyn Center)
Permanently removed from ministry in 2003

Rev. Curtis Wehmeyer
Remains a priest. Permanently prohibited from ministry. Incarcerated in a Lino Lakes prison.
The Rev. Curtis Wehmeyer, 49, is serving five years in prison after being sentenced for sexually abusing two boys in 2010 and for possession of child pornography. He remains a priest.
Assignment history
2001: Parochial vicar, St. Joseph (West St. Paul)
2006: Parochial administrator, Blessed Sacrament (St. Paul)
2009: Pastor, Blessed Sacrament (St. Paul)
2011: Pastor, Blessed Sacrament (St. Paul) and St. Thomas the Apostle (St. Paul)
Permanently removed from ministry in 2012
Photo courtesy Minnesota Department of Corrections

Rev. Robert Zasacki
Deceased. Died March 3, 2008 at age 67.
The Rev. Robert Zasacki admitted to his superiors that he sexually abused at least one minor during the 1970s, according to internal archdiocesan documents reviewed by MPR News.
When church leaders confronted Zasacki about an accusation from the archdiocese of Newark, N.J., he agreed to resign from ministry. Zasacki "acknowledged other wrongdoing in the 1970s," according to the documents.
Assignment history
1979: Entered Archdiocese of Minneapolis-St. Paul from Archdiocese of Newarkbr />
1982: St. Bridget (Lindstrom)
1983: St. Joseph (Lino Lakes)
1984: Cathedral of St. Paul (St. Paul)
1985: Administrator, St. Peter (Forest Lake)
1987: Pastor, St. Peter (Forest Lake)
1989: Pastor, Sts. Peter and Joseph (Delano)
1995: Pastor, Sacred Heart (Robbinsdale)
2001: Pastor, St. Joseph (Hopkins)
Permanently removed from ministry in 2002