MPR News Update

Nuclear cost overruns; light rail construction recovery; university health benefits downsizing

University Avenue business see light rail construction rebound Regulatory environment affects Monticello nuclear plant upgrade costs Lake Superior land sale irks Gitchi-Gami bike trail supporters U of M wants to scale back employee health care coverage Latest heat wave in the top 10 percent in history Relics photo essay: Glencoe's Henry school gets a new lease on life Study: Fewer healthy years for older black Minnesotans than whites Napolitano approved as Calif. university president Security experts to test phone anti-theft locks Police bypassed trunk where dead Wis. child found Ventura suit against late 'Sniper' author proceeds Astronaut with flooded helmet felt like goldfish Senate approves Obama-pick McCarthy to head EPA Treasury Secretary Lew: Delaying Dodd-Frank raises threat of bailouts Barbie fights for her life E. coli confirmed in Lake Minnetonka Met Council chair may lean toward preserving St. Louis Park homes Vikings stadium food contract goes to Aramark