MPR News Update

A St. Paul priest tells the archdiocese to 'come clean' about abuse cases. Also, gearing up for an oil pipeline fight

Also today, we're reporting on the challenge of signing Latinos up for the state's new online health insurance marketplace, author Jack El-Hai's new book about Northwest Airlines, International Falls joining forces with Canada for regional tourism, and Surly Brewing moving forward with a new groundbreaking.

Priest demands Nienstedt explain handling of clergy sexual abuse Task force supervisor to control group's access to clergy abuse information Enbridge files application to run pipeline across northern Minnesota; opponents gird for fight Jack El-Hai's 'Non-Stop: Turbulent History of Northwest Airlines' International Falls joining forces with Canada for regional tourism Surly Brewing finally taps into the law it helped create MNsure Latino outreach events get a late start How does ranked-choice voting work? Minn. Secretary of State responds to online voter registration concerns Helping poor people weather climate change Monster fall storm breeds behemoth surf of coast of Portugal Asian carp successfully reproducing in Great Lakes watershed Forum to discuss possible frac sand mining in Washington County When soldiers come home to a new struggle St. Paul to breathe new life into long-vacant Palace Theatre Vandals strike Mankato church 2nd time Farmers make rapid harvest progress Minnesota's cat video festival a hit in New York