MPR News Update

MPR News Update for April 11

Good morning! Decreasing clouds today, with highs in the upper 40s to mid-50s. It was a traumatizing day for one yearling female moose calf near the Boundary Waters yesterday. She had to rescued from Hungry Jack Lake after breaking through the ice. Rescuers used canoes, a tow strap and some soothing conversation. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog

'Worst nightmare': Parents wait in agony after shooting Fact check: CDC backs breast-feeding, despite false story Dragging of United passenger sparks outrage, anger More travelers being asked for their cellphones and passwords entering U.S. Moorhead health care town hall more subdued, suffused with concerns about insurance costs Tillerson: Russia must choose between Assad and the U.S. Don't read these: The most frequently challenged books of 2016