MPR News Update

MPR News Update - September 25, 2017

Good afternoon! At age 27 and 28, Angela and Andy McLaughin quit their jobs, sold their possessions and hit the road. Becoming the envy of the cubicle farms of Minnesota, but also learning some valuable lessons about planning and about what's important in life. | NewsCut | Forecast

Watch: Graham-Cassidy health care hearing starts with eruption of protests Thread Book Hour: Sherman Alexie on the aftermath of the 'Native American Apocalypse' North Korea's top diplomat says Trump has 'declared war' Drunk driver charged in fatal Amish buggy crash in NW Minn. Supreme Court removes cases over Trump's travel ban from calendar Is curiosity a positive or negative feeling? Infant delivered prematurely following attack has died at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota wolf population appears to rise 25 percent North Dakota's bill for oil pipeline protest costs now at $39 million