MPR News with Angela Davis

What’s the formula for raising successful kids?

A book cover with a blue background and pencils with different colors.
"The Formula" by Ronald F. Ferguson and Tatsha Roberston.
Courtesy of BenBella Books, Inc.

Ronald Ferguson, a Harvard economist, and Tatsha Robertson, an award-winning journalist, teamed up to study how parenting can help shape happy, high-achieving children.

MPR News host Angela Davis talked with them about their discoveries and their subsequent book, “The Formula: Unlocking the Secrets to Raising Highly Successful Children.”

During the hour, they were also joined by Jarell Lee, whose story is featured in “The Formula.”


Ron Ferguson, an MIT-trained economist who teaches public policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government

Tatsha Robertson, an award-winning editor and writer, first female New York City bureau chief for the Boston Globe.

Jarell Lee, an educator whose story is featured in “The Formula.”