Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller

Bryan Walsh on Doomsday and survival in ‘End Times’

Bryan Walsh and his new book "End Times" are shown
Bryan Walsh is a journalist and author of the new book “End Times: A Brief Guide to the End of the World.” He spoke with MPR’s Kerri Miller about his reporting.
Courtesy of TIME Magazine, cover art provided by publisher

If aliens arrived on Earth, would we welcome them with open arms, or would their arrival herald our ruin? Are we fully equipped to deal with asteroids and the mass spreading of disease? How about super volcanoes?

These are some of the questions troubling author Bryan Walsh in his new book, “End Times: A Brief Guide to the End of the World.”

Walsh, a former foreign correspondent for Time Magazine and current editor of Medium’s science publication OneZero, says taking a look at these overwhelming threats is scary. But he also believes our ability to anticipate and prepare for them shows the resiliency of humanity.

He joined MPR News host Kerri Miller for a conversation some of the probable events that could signal the end of humankind.
