MPR News with Angela Davis

Having 'the talk' with kids about race

A man holds a baby outside
Parents of black and brown children feel the added responsibility of talking to their kids about race and how it will affect them as they grow into adults.
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The death of George Floyd has rocked the Twin Cities. And it adds a layer to an already difficult conversation: the one parents of black and brown children feel they must have with their kids about race, policing and how both will affect them as they grow into adults.

Two fathers joined the program to talk about why parents of color have long felt they must have this conversation with their children, and how parents can explain recent events to young people.


  • Jason Sole is a criminal justice educator, professor at Hamline University, past president of the Minneapolis NAACP and co-founder of the Humanize My Hoodie Movement.

  • Michael Walker is the director of Black Male Achievement for Minneapolis Public Schools.

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