MPR News with Angela Davis

Call to Mind: Spotlight on parenting during coronavirus

A child hides under pillows on a couch
Parents and caregivers can support children's mental health by normalizing conversations about it.

The pandemic is having a major impact on all our lives and the lives of our families.

As caregivers during this time, the normal challenges of getting food on the table, balancing work, and supporting the children in our lives are made even harder.

How can we better manage our own mental well-being, so we can better support our loved ones?

This is a recorded webinar MPR News host Angela Davis led recently with Call to Mind, MPR and APM’s initiative to foster new conversations about mental health.


BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya, known as Dr. B., is a clinical psychologist who works with children, adolescents and adults. She is the president and founder of Brakins Consulting & Psychological Services and the executive director of African American Child Wellness Institute, Inc. Both are in Plymouth, Minn. 

Bobbi Wegner is a clinical psychologist treating children, parents and families at Boston Behavioral Medicine. She also teaches Human Development and Psychology at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education.