Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller

The state of federal environmental policy during the Trump years   

Greta Thunberg Youth Protest
Climate activists participate in a student-led climate change march in Los Angeles in November 2019.
Ringo H.W. Chiu | AP 2019

Climate change hasn’t gotten much attention this election cycle. It’s hard to compete with a global pandemic. But most voters believe climate change poses a risk to the United States

During his time in office, President Donald Trump’s administration has rolled back or changed scores of environmental regulations — President Obama had put many of those policies in place as executive orders when he couldn’t get Congress to pass legislation.  

So what’s next?

Wednesday at 9 a.m., MPR News host Kerri Miller looked at where we’ve been the past four years and how we got here. She spoke with two experts to assess the best path forward on U.S. environmental policy.


  • Bob Inglis, executive director of republicEN and former congressman from South Carolina  

  • Samantha Gross, director of the Energy Security and Climate Initiative at Brookings

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