Politics Friday

Election week special: Your last-minute voting questions, answered

Mail bins sit on a rack.
Absentee ballots sit in mail bins before being scanned for counting on election night at the Ramsey County Absentee Ballot Count Center on Oct. 21 in St. Paul.
Evan Frost | MPR News file

With voting disinformation swirling and recent court rulings confusing things further, Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon joined MPR News political editor Mike Mulcahy to answer listeners’ last-minute voting questions.

Can you accidentally vote twice? What if you’ve already submitted an absentee ballot, but you’ve changed your mind about who you want to vote for? Or maybe you’re wondering what you can and cannot wear to a polling place? In this one-hour election week special, Simon answers these questions and more.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3. For more information on voting in Minnesota, or to find your polling place, visit the Secretary of State website.


  • Steve Simon is Minnesota’s Secretary of State.

Use the audio player above to listen to the program.

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