Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller

How agriculture is coping with this summer’s drought

Two people sell vegetables at a farmer's market.
Teng Yang and his wife, Amphon Thor, grow vegetables on 9 acres less than a half hour south of St. Paul.
Mark Zdechlik | MPR News

Minnesota farmers have been hit hard by the summer’s hot, dry conditions. Seventy-eight percent of the state is currently experiencing extreme drought conditions, and small farmers are weathering the drought with virtually no safety net.

Earlier this month, Minnesota received $17.5 million in federal aid to mitigate the impact of climate change. Gov. Tim Walz says some of that will go to support farmers and ranchers.

Small farmers are pushing for more streamlined ways to get a piece of that pie. Many aid programs for farmers are targeted to large, traditional crop and livestock farms. But there’s less infrastructure to support small farmers.

Guest host Chris Farrell talked with Minnesota’s Department of Agriculture Commissioner and small farmers about the impact of the drought and the future of small farming in Minnesota.


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