MPR News with Angela Davis

Meet MPR News reporter Kirsti Marohn 

woman with microphone and headphones in corn field
MPR News reporter Kirsti Marohn in a cornfield in Glenwood, Minn., reporting on how farmers are using technology to conserve water and adapt to drought and climate change.
Paul Middlestaedt for MPR News

MPR News reporter Kirsti Marohn has covered Line 3, the impact of the prolonged drought on fish and farmers, the concerns of Somali immigrants, the needs of veterans and other stories from the middle of Minnesota. 

Get to know Kirsti as host Angela Davis talks with her about recent stories, where she gets her ideas and what it’s like to report during the pandemic. 


  • Kirsti Marohn is a reporter based in the MPR News Collegeville bureau covering environmental issues and central Minnesota from the Brainerd Lakes area to north of the Twin Cities

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