Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

In 'Rural by Choice,' Cory Hepola explores the attraction of rural living

Windrowing kidney beans in a field
In 2019, Mark Dombeck windrows kidney beans plants for a harvester to pick up on his farm near Perham, Minn.
Dan Gunderson | MPR News 2019

Radio host Cory Hepola writes, co-produces and hosts “Rural by Choice,” a docuseries that looks at why people choose to live in rural areas. He joined Minnesota Now to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of rural living.

Hepola was born and raised in Perham, Minn., which he says is a thriving small town because of all the people. Agriculture and small business are important, as are schools.

“The stereotype I want to bust is this political divisiveness,” Hepola said. “I think it more exists for the two political parties that force this narrative … All of us can have different viewpoints, but we can work together for positive solutions.” 

Hepola also said a lot of the stories he tells in the docuseries are much larger than his own personal experience. “It’s always the people for me,” he concluded.

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