Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

MN newsmakers look back on 2021: JaNaé Bates, Yes 4 Minneapolis

A woman in a mask speaks into a microphone.
Yes 4 Minneapolis communications director JaNaé Bates speaks at the campaign's election night party in Minneapolis on Nov. 2.
Evan Frost | MPR News file

At this time of year, we’re inundated with “best-of” lists and lookbacks at the big news stories of the past twelve months. On Minnesota Now, we’re reexamining 2021 through the eyes of key Minnesota newsmakers.

Minneapolis politics — especially a citywide election that included a hotly contested mayoral race and a proposed policing charter amendment that ultimately did not pass in November — made statewide news in 2021. JaNaé Bates was one of the community organizers working with the Yes 4 Minneapolis campaign in support of the amendment. Bates is also the director of communications at ISAIAH Minnesota.

Host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Bates about the campaign for the amendment and what she sees coming next in 2022.

Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation.

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