Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

Why a record number of school board members have resigned

Two people speak to reporters.
Chair of the Minneapolis School Board Kim Ellison and Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Ed Graff discuss the settlement between the school district and the local teacher union during a press conference at the Davis Education Center in north Minneapolis on March 25, 2022.
Tim Evans for MPR News

The Minneapolis school board has a new interim Superintendent. Rochelle Cox was the associate superintendent, and she’ll replace the outgoing Ed Graff who resigned last month and is set to leave in June. 

He is not the only leader of a Minnesota school district who has resigned recently—a record number of school board members have also resigned across the state, citing chaos, bullying and abuse in their districts.

Beth Hawkins reported extensively on the great resignation of Minnesota school district leaders over the past year. Beth is a reporter for “The 74,” a news site about education in America. She joined host Cathy Wurzer to talk about her reporting.

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