MPR News with Angela Davis

Stay interviews, office perks: How employers are trying to get workers to stay

A woman looks up and smiles
Employers are trying to come up with strategies to get workers to stay at their jobs after the "Great Resignation."

You know that feeling when someone you care about asks you to “stay?” 

Well, what if that person was your boss at work expressing their appreciation for the quality of the work you do?

After many people left their jobs during the “Great Resignation,” employers are trying to come up with strategies to keep their valued workers. Now, some employers are not only conducting exit interviews as workers leave for better opportunities, but some managers are also scheduling stay interviews.  

These are conversations focused on worker retention and finding out what employees say they need to be happier, more creative and more fulfilled at work.

MPR News host Angela Davis talks with two guests about what’s happening to improve worker retention. 


  • Mary Zellmer-Bruhn is the chair of the Work and Organizations Department at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management.  

  • Chris Farrell is MPR News’ senior economics contributor.