MPR News with Angela Davis

In Focus: COVID learning loss in Minnesota schools

The pandemic had a devastating effect on everyone involved in Minnesota education. Teachers are burned out, staff shortages abound, and students are years behind where they should be in crucial subjects. How do we support the education system and catch kids up?

Test scores are dismal, but educators, families and communities are working to fill in the gaps.

As part of the ongoing In Focus conversation series, a group of education professionals shared what they are seeing at school with MPR News host Angela Davis. In a rebroadcast of their December discussion, they explore what to do to confront the challenges.


  • Josh Crosson is the executive director of Ed Allies, an organization that works to ensure that all Minnesota students, especially those most underserved, have access to a great education.

  • Rachel Pearson is a parent advocate and trainer at the PACER Center, a nonprofit that champions youth with disabilities and their families.

  • Brenda Cassellius has spent three decades as an educator – most recently as the superintendent of Boston Public Schools, and before that, as Minnesota’s Commissioner of Education.

To listen to the full conversation you can use the audio player above.

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