Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

Minnesota Now for April 25, 2023

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Minnesota Now
MPR News

The Minnesota House is expected to vote on the cannabis bill today after debating through the night yesterday. If the bill becomes law, it would be up to Minnesota cities to implement it. Last summer's THC loophole made for quite a mess and a patchwork of ordinances. We hear what the new cannabis bill might look like at the municipal level.

When it comes to climate change and reducing emissions, farmland owners have a lot of influence. One landowner shares changes they have made to be more climate-conscious.

You’ve heard of construction season, but what about DE-construction? A north side nonprofit in Minneapolis is gaining traction for its alternatives to demolishing old buildings.

Plus, a southern Minnesota graveyard has a surprising link to Shakespeare.

And The Current's Diane Miller has the local music you need to know.

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