MPR News with Angela Davis

Feeling burned out? Here’s how a Minnesota doctor sang about it

man smiling at camera
Dr. Stuart Bloom is a Twin Cities oncologist and creator of the musical "How to Avoid Burnout in 73 Minutes."
Courtesy Stuart Bloom

Has going to work felt like an Olympic sport? If so, we regret to inform you that we can’t prescribe you anything.

But, we can offer profound insight and comedic relief from Dr. Stuart Bloom.

Bloom created and performs in the musical “How to Avoid Burnout in 73 Minutes,” which recently played a sold out run at the Southern Theater in Minneapolis. He’s also an oncologist.

Bloom has an insightful, personal and sometimes hilarious take on burnout that he shares with guest host Chris Farrell, who’s filling in for Angela Davis. 


  • Dr. Stuart Bloom is an oncologist and an associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School, where he sees patients and teaches. He spent his 20s as an actor and musical comedian in New York City and went to medical school in his 30s after his father was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He wrote and performs in the musical How to Avoid Burnout in 73 Minutes, which recently played a sold-out run at the Southern Theater in Minneapolis.

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