Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Minnesota Now: June 1, 2023

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Minnesota Now
MPR News

Hundreds of workers in Windom, Minnesota are out of a job starting Friday. We talk with two people who are trying to help them figure out what to do.    

Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O'Hara has spent six months on the job. We hear what he has done so far and what’s on his agenda for the months ahead.

Lesbian, gay and bisexual people were barred from the military until 2011. In the years since, a Minnesota LGBTQ+ magazine has created a new relationship with the National Guard.

Across Minnesota and the nation, new and more diverse independent bookstores have been popping up — almost three new ones for every bookstore that closes. We find out what’s behind their success.

All that, plus the latest in Lynx, Twins and other sports news.

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