MPR News with Angela Davis

What is Gen Z’s financial future?

a Gen Z panel of producers and reporters at MPR News
Kyra Miles, Ellie Roth, Jacob Aloi and Nikhil Kumaran talked about the financial future of Gen Z on MPR News with Angela Davis.
Gretchen Brown | MPR News

There’s no shortage of media think pieces about the financial woes of Millennials. They are on track to be the first generation to make less money than their parents.

But Generation Z is the newest generation to enter the workforce. And so-called “Zoomers,” born between 1997 and 2012, have unique hurdles and opportunities in their future.

MPR News host Angela Davis talked about — and with — Gen Z about their financial future.


  • Chris Farrell is MPR’s senior economics contributor.

  • Nikhil Kumaran is a producer for MPR News with Angela Davis.

  • Kyra Miles is the early childhood education reporter for MPR News.

  • Ellie Roth is the politics fellow for MPR News.

  • Jacob Aloi is an arts reporter for MPR News.

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