MPR News with Angela Davis

Restricting cell phone use in schools

Two boys play on their smart phones
Eighth graders Theo Kaufman (left) and Gavin Cartony play games on their cell phones before class at St. Anthony Middle School in St. Anthony Village on May 23.
Ben Hovland | MPR News

Earlier this year, the state legislature passed a law that requires all school districts and charter schools in Minnesota to implement a student cell phone policy by the middle of next March.

As districts work to develop student cell phone policies, there are different ideas about what’s the best approach. Should schools ban cell phones completely during the academic day? Or, should they say students are not allowed to use them in classrooms or while classes are in session, but they can use them during passing times and while at lunch?

MPR News host Angela Davis and her guests talked about how best to handle cell phones in schools.


  • Akram Osman is the principal of Mankato East High School where he developed and implemented a cell phone policy last year.

  • Marguerite Ohrtman is the program coordinator and director of school counseling and clinical training for the Counselor Education Program at the University of Minnesota.

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