Politics Friday

Politics Friday: Know your ballot picks? It’s time to vote in Minnesota

Coming up Friday at noon.

profile of a man speaking
Secretary of State Steve Simon speaks with members of the media at Dayton’s Bluff Recreation Center during the Super Tuesday primary on March 5 in St. Paul.
Kerem Yücel | MPR News

There are 46 days until Election Day, and that means the start of early voting in Minnesota – one of the first states where votes can get cast.  

Coming up Friday at noon, MPR News politics editor Brian Bakst talks with Secretary of State Steve Simon about the early voting process and the safeguards being taken to make sure the 2024 election runs smoothly and fairly across the state. 

Later in the hour, plugged-in members of the Minnesota’s DFL and Republican parties share their perspectives on how they see this election shaking out from the presidential race on down the ticket. 


  • Steve Simon is Minnesota’s Secretary of State.   

  • Ak Kamara is the Republican National Committeeman for Minnesota. 

  • Ryan Winkler is a former DFL majority leader in the Minnesota House.  

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