Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Restaurant passport gives a taste of dozens of dumplings across St. Paul

A person holding up a curry puff with chopsticks
St. Paul restaurant Ruam Mit is showcasing it's curry puff as part of the St. Paul Dumpling Passport.
Courtesy Visit St. Paul

It is the perfect time of year to cozy up with some dumplings. Whether it’s potstickers or sambusas, nearly every culture has their own version. And now there’s a new tool to help you try dozens of different kinds. Visit St. Paul has created a Dumpling Passport. It takes you across more than 30 restaurants that have a type of dumpling on their menu.

Joining the program to talk about the delicious project is Ava Diaz, communications and marketing manager with Visit St. Paul. Also joining is Nia Rasavong the co-owner of Ruam Mit, which is a stop on the passport.

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