
Minnesota Court of Appeals rejects abortion challenge bid
The Minnesota Court of Appeals has rejected an attempt by the Traverse County prosecutor to appeal a judge’s decision last year that threw out most of the state’s restrictions on abortion as unconstitutional. 
Fairview, Sanford push health systems merger plan back to at least August
The two health systems proposing to combine say they will take even more time to finish the deal. Attorney General Keith Ellison says he’s been told that “Fairview leadership has decided to postpone its plans to merge with Sanford.”
Minnesota lets nurses practice while disciplinary investigations drag on. Patients keep getting hurt.
A 2015 state audit found the Minnesota Board of Nursing was slow to act on complaints about nurses, putting the public at risk. The board ramped up its discipline for a few years, but now cases are backing up again.
New research suggests Minnesota's COVID outcomes may not have been as good as they seemed
While the state had the sixth lowest unadjusted COVID-19 death rate, once that rate is adjusted for age and the presence of key comorbidities, Minnesota’s death rate shifts to exactly the middle of the pack.  
As states start to get opioid settlement cash, few are sharing how they spend it
All told, drugmakers and distributors will pay over $50 billion to communities harmed by opioids. An investigation finds that only a dozen states are letting the public see how they use the money.
Minnesota rushes to re-up hundreds of thousands at risk of losing Medicaid after pandemic
Starting Saturday, states can kick people off Medicaid who were allowed to stay in the program during the COVID-19 pandemic. They can stay but only if they sign up. Minnesota officials say it’s a daunting challenge to navigate those affected through the bureaucracy.
 FDA approves Narcan for over-the-counter sales, here’s what you need to know
In 2021, 1,286 people in Minnesota died from drug overdoses, according to the Minnesota Department of Health, a 20 percent increase from 2020. On Wednesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that Narcan nasal spray, a drug that reverses opioid overdoses, would soon be available over the counter.
Mosquito season is on its way, and it'll likely be worse than the past couple of years
The bouts of drought these last couple of years have caused trouble for mosquitos. But with an snowier than usual winter making way for a wet spring, they’ll be coming back with a vengeance. Here’s how to prepare.