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With COVID-19, desire for fast internet connections accelerates
Many people are working at home now in an effort to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus. Speed, capacity and reliability of internet connections determine how well remote-working goes. Some telecommuters zip along in the fast lane, others not so much.
Minnesota schools are closed until early May: Here are 9 things you need to know
Starting Monday, teachers will activate their “distance learning” plans — teaching their K-12 students who are at home, regardless if those children have access to the internet or a computer. The state is ordering Minnesota schools to remain closed through May 4 as it grapples with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Bethesda Hospital readied in days to accept COVID-19 patients
In a flurry of construction, most of it over 72 hours, Bethesda Hospital in St. Paul has become a specialty center for the most severe COVID-19 cases. The first patients are expected to arrive from other M Health Fairview facilities beginning Thursday afternoon.
Veterans, VA brace for COVID-19 impact
About half of U.S. veterans are over the age of 65, and many have underlying health complications, making them especially vulnerable to the new coronavirus. Those statistics have led to concerns about whether the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is ready with enough hospital beds, staff and medical equipment.
March 26 update on COVID-19 in MN: More deaths expected; too soon to say on State Fair
“We know we’ll be reporting more deaths in the days to come,” health chief Jan Malcolm said as she and Gov. Walz delivered the latest update, including news of a second state death. Will the pandemic affect the State Fair? Walz said it was too early to know.
Walz's stay-at-home order permits many 'critical' workers to venture out; distancing urged
As most Minnesotans prepare to stay in their homes for two weeks under Gov. Tim Walz’s latest executive order, health officials and others hope the move will relieve pressure on hospitals and testing labs ahead of an expected surge of critical COVID-19 patients.