Pedal Hub

Pedal Hub: What makes a great bike shop?
What do we want in a bike shop? The Pedal Hubbers compare notes on the modern day bike retail experience.
Pedal Hub: Pedaling through winter
This time, we'll continue our focus on winter riding and talk about the actual riding part, and we'll look into what determines whether biking will be a wedge or a bridge in your relationship.
Pedal Hub: Equipped for winter riding?
Yeah, it's cold and icy, but you and your bike can handle it, and the Pedal Hubbers are here to help.
Pedal Hub: Major Taylor Bicycling Club
This time, we're joined by the founder of the premier African American biking club in the upper midwest to discuss biking in the black community. And, do some of us have mileage tracker dependency issues?
Pedal Hub: Biking and imbibing
In biking culture, cycling and drinking go together like two seats on a tandem bike. When does that become a problem?
Pedal Hub: Falling in love with biking
In this installment, origin stories. The Pedal Hubbers recall what sparked their love of biking. And, bike commuting. Why don't more people ride to work?
Pedal Hub: Planning ahead
This time, the Pedal Hubbers dive into a new Hennepin County blueprint for bike transportation policy for the next 25-years. Plus, apparel and gear which will make your colder weather riding safer and more comfortable.
Pedal Hub: Cycling songwriters
In this episode, Twin Cities songwriters Ben Weaver and Brianna Lane talk about how they've woven biking into their music and performances, and how it's changed their lives as artists.
Pedal Hub: Can we prevent bike theft?
In this episode, we'll chat about biking with Ginny Marie Herman, who's helped organize some of the Twin Cities biggest biking events, including "Babes in Bikeland." And, the scourge of bike theft in Minneapolis has claimed another victim--Pedal Hub co-host Patrick Stephenson. What can we do to prevent bike theft?