Big layoffs planned at Andersen Windows

(AP) - Workers at Andersen Corp. said they've been notified that the window and door maker will lay off more than 400 workers by the end of the year.

Workers leaving after an afternoon shift at the plant Tuesday told reporters they were informed that everyone hired since February 2000 would be laid off, and several said their last days on the job would come before the end of the month.

Andersen - the world's largest maker of wood windows, patio doors and storm doors - employs more than 9,000 people worldwide, including its Bayport window and door factory, according to a corporate profile posted on its Web site. Annual revenue at the privately held company has been estimated at more than $2 billion.

Company officials declined to comment Tuesday, saying they needed to communicate with employees first before releasing any information. A spokeswoman said the company planned to make a statement Wednesday morning.

"It's Black Tuesday," Bayport Mayor-elect Jon Nowaczek said. "We're concerned for the workers who are going to be losing their livelihoods and for their families - the Twin Cities area has taken some hits, with Ford and their plant, 3M, Northwest. It's kind of a grim picture out there."

At the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, officials said they understood Andersen executives were going to hold their first meeting with employees Tuesday afternoon. Department spokeswoman Kit Borgman said representatives from its dislocated worker program would be available to assist any affected workers.

Many companies have been hurt by the downturn in the home construction industry. Housing starts and sales of existing homes are down significantly from recent years.

(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)