Capitol View®

Sweatin’ to the Oldies

Governor Pawlenty took a big-tent approach to his weekly radio show today when he interviewed fitness guru Richard Simmons.

The interview came a week after Pawlenty announced state initiatives to address childhood obesity and promote workplace fitness.

The always flamboyant Simmons recounted how he overcame his own childhood weight problem. He then launched into a rapid-paced sermon on exercise and diet. Simmons managed to sing a little, answer questions from listeners and promote his website. He also suggested Minnesota's governor could walk on a treadmill during the radio show.

The governor had to interrupt Simmons to try to regain control of the interview and ask another question.

"Now Richard, can I stop you there?," Pawlenty asked.

"When the governor says to stop, we stop," Simmons responded.

The fitness fiend also revealed his own political agenda. Simmons said he is lobbying Congress to get a physical education requirement for schools added to the federal No Child Left Behind Law.

Simmons is an entertaining guest. Just ask David Letterman.

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