Sextuplets born to Twin Cities couple

(AP) - A set of sextuplets have been born to a St. Louis Park couple, Children's Hospitals said Monday.

The four boys and two girls were born just before midnight Sunday in the 22nd week of Brianna Morrison's pregnancy.

All six were listed in critical condition Monday afternoon, with weights ranging between 11 ounces and 1 pound, 3 ounces, according to a hospital spokeswoman.

Brianna Morrison was in good condition.

"The babies arrived sooner than we'd hoped for, but we are optimistic," father Ryan Morrison said in a statement. "Brianna is doing well. Thanks to all who are praying for our family. We are very happy to be parents."

The girls are named Lucia Rae and Cadence Alana. The boys are named Bennet Ryan, Tryg Benton, Lincoln Sean and Sylas Christopher.

Children's Hospital said the couple planned no further public statements for the time being.

The Morrisons, both 24, spent more than a year trying to conceive before Brianna Morrison started taking fertility drugs, according to the couple's personal Web site.

Upon learning Brianna Morrison was carrying sextuplets, doctors advised the couple to opt for selective reduction, in which women carrying multiple fetuses reduce the number of viable fetuses to two.

"However, we knew right away that this is not an option for us," the couple wrote. "We understand that the risk is high, but we also understand that these little ones are much more than six fetuses. Each one of them is a miracle given to us by God."

Although sextuplet births are rare, an Arizona woman also gave birth to a set of sextuplets on Monday. In that birth, the three boys and three girls were born in the 30th week of pregnancy.

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