Obama picks up two more Minn. superdelegates

Barack Obama
Barack Obama, who won the Minnesota caucus, received the support of two more of Minnesota's DFL superdelegates.
MPR Photos/Tom Scheck

Two more Minnesota Democrats who hold the title of superdelegate are swinging Barack Obama's way.

Minnesota Democratic Party Chairman Brian Melendez and the party's second in command, Donna Cassutt, say they're backing the Illinois senator for president.

Both had been neutral. But Melendez says Obama's decisive win in Minnesota's February precinct caucuses was a key factor. Melendez says Obama proved his ability to bring new voters into the process.

Superdelegates have a voice in the nomination vote at the party's national convention, which will be held in August in Denver.

Cassutt says she's confident Obama would carry Minnesota as the party's nominee in the general election.

Eight of Minnesota's 14 superdelegates are backing Obama. Three are for Senator Hillary Clinton and three are uncommitted.