Klobuchar endorses Obama

Amy Klobuchar
Sen. Amy Klobuchar announced she was endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

Minnesota's junior U.S. Senator is endorsing Barack Obama in the race for President.

Democrat Amy Klobuchar had held off on an endorsement until now saying, for one, it was hard to choose between two Senate colleagues: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama speaks in Philadelphia Tuesday, where he spoke about race and politics in America.

After Minnesotans overwhelmingly went for Obama in the DFL caucuses on Feb. 5, she still didn't endorse anyone, but she hinted that Obama's win would factor into her decision.

Klobuchar's support is key this year because, as a senator, she's also a superdelegate. That means she'll get a vote at the party's convention this summer, where it seems ever-more likely that the votes of superdelegates will be needed to seal a nomination for either Obama or Clinton.

Klobuchar, who is a year older than Obama, compared the Illinois Senator to the late Hubert Humphrey, a former Minnesota senator and vice president. She saids Obama speaks "with a different voice, bringing a new perspective and inspiring a real excitement from the American people."

Her endorsement comes just days after Obama picked up the support of another Senate Democrat, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania.

"Barack has been a proven agent for change and advocate for middle-class Americans," Klobuchar added. According to the Obama campaign, Klobuchar is the 64th superdelegate to endorse him since the Feb. 5th Super Tuesday contests.

Minnesota Superdelegates

Vice President Walter Mondale -- Hillary Clinton

U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar -- Barack Obama

U.S. Rep. Tim Walz -- Obama

U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum -- Obama

U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison -- Obama

U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson -- uncommitted

U.S. Rep. James Oberstar -- Obama

DFL Party Chair Brian Melendez -- Obama

DFL Party Associate Chair Donna Cassutt -- Obama

Democratic National Committee member Ken Foxworth -- Obama

DNC member Rick Stafford -- Clinton

DNC member Jackie Stevenson -- Clinton

DNC member Nancy Larson - uncommitted

DNC member State Sen. Mee Moua -- Obama