Proposal to extend bar hours for RNC may come with a catch

Bar ownwers are not happy about having to pay $2,500 for the special permits.
MPR photo/Dan Gunderson

Many St. Paul bar owners are pleased that the city council appears willing to allow a 4 a.m. last call during the Republican National Convention.

But they are not happy about having to pay $2,500 for the special permits.

John Wolf owns Dixie's on Grand. He says he supports the proposed ordinance, but not the fee.

"We're all for the 4 o'clock in the morning, if that's what it takes to get people here. They're going to get out of their meetings at 10:30, 11:00, down at the Xcel and then go to different places. So, if people want to do that and rent their place out, more power to them. But $2,500, that comes to $500 a night for five nights, and that comes to $250 an hour. To make that back at that time at night is unlikely," Wolf said.

Proponents say the ordinance would allow local bars to make some money during the convention, while also responding to neighborhood concerns. The permits would only be available to large establishments, which typically have ample parking.

The council will hold a public hearing on the proposal tonight. The Minneapolis City Council is expected to take up the issue later this week.