Minerals lure developers to Minnesota's Iron Range

The shiny surface on part of this rock sample is copper - the goal of explorers hoping to mine copper, nickel, and other minerals under northern Minnesota. This is part of a sample pulled from underneath the waters of Birch Lake, near Babbitt.
MPR Photo/Bob Kelleher

A rich nickel-copper-precious metals formation stretching from the outskirts of Babbitt toward Ely is drawing plenty of interest from mine developers.

Five different companies have projects in the works that could mean hundreds of new jobs.

Geologists estimate the formation contains five billion to six billion tons of ore produced in a magma extrusion millions of years ago. The ore is laden with copper, nickel, platinum, palladium, gold and cobalt.

Duluth Metals chief executive Henry "Rick" Sandri says the value of the ore is probably close to half a trillion dollars.

His company has rights an estimated 733 million metric tons of mineable ore southeast of Ely.

Another company, Franconia Minerals, has stationed a barge on Birch Lake to do tests and help develop plans for a mine there.


Information from: Duluth News Tribune, http://www.duluthsuperior.com