Obama, McCain to attend White House meeting

President Bush
President Bush poses for photographers moments after speaking to the nation from the White House September 24, 2008 in Washington, DC. President Bush spoke live to the American people about the current financial crisis. He also spoke about the bailout package currently being debated in Congress
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

John McCain is returning to Washington today following his speech this morning at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York. McCain said "doing nothing" about the financial crisis isn't an option.

McCain will join Barack Obama at the White House today in an effort to help work out an agreement on a bailout plan.

President Bush invited Obama to participate after McCain came up with the idea yesterday.

In a televised address last night, Bush warned that the "entire economy is in danger" if a $700 billion plan to rescue shaky financial firms isn't approved quickly.

He warned that failure to act could result in wiped-out retirement savings, rising home foreclosures, lost jobs and closed businesses. He also said there could be "financial panic" if the crisis isn't solved.

Bailout graphic
The proposed $700 billion bailout of the financial industry would amount to approximately $5,000 per U.S. taxpayer.
MPR Graphic/Than Tibbetts

Senior lawmakers and Bush administration officials are moving closer to a deal of unprecedented magnitude for the financial markets.

Major elements are still being discussed, including how to phase in the high cost, a measure demanded by Democrats and some Republicans who want stronger congressional control over the bailout. A plan to let the government take an ownership stake in companies it rescues is also under negotiation.

But the White House has agreed to include widely supported limits on pay packages for executives whose companies benefit from the package.

Top Democrats hope a bipartisan compromise will pass within days.


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