E85 use by state employees is up


The Lung Association of Minnesota says there's been a sharp increase this year in E85 use by state employees.

Sales of the alternative fuel, which is 85 percent corn-based ethanol, are up by more than 50 percent.

E85 sells for up to 60 cents less per gallon than regular unleaded gas.

The Lung Association's Bob Moffitt said there are other benefits.

"Just this action so far this year has helped keep 2,100 tons of carbon dioxide emissions and other harmful pollutants from our atmosphere. So, it's a good deal for the state and it's a good deal for everyone who breathes," Moffitt said.

Moffitt said E85 use has also shown double-digit increases among the state's general population. Minnesota ranks first in the nation in the number of E85 locations, more than 360 at last count.