No-travel advisories as storm hits southern Minn.

A south Minneapolis resident tries to keep up with the falling snow. Snow fell most of the day throughout the day.
MPR Photo/Tom Weber

The weather in parts of Minnesota is too bad for snowplows.

The Department of Transportation pulled the plows off the roads until daybreak in the storm area across the southern part of the state. That's where blizzard conditions have caused highway and weather officials to advise everyone to stay home and avoid the snow, wind and bitter cold.

The transportation department had already issued a no-travel advisory spanning 25 counties across the southern part of the state. Driving conditions are described as extremely poor due to heavy snowfall and reduced visibility.

The forecast includes a blizzard warning for the southwest and winter storm warning for the rest of the state, all in effect into tomorrow.

With temperatures dropping, the highs tomorrow are only expected to range from 5 below to 5 above zero. Snow is likely to continue tomorrow but let up by tomorrow night as overnight lows drop to 10 below to 20 below.