Capitol View®

Daily Digest: 1-7-09

Norm Coleman announced that he will file a lawsuit challenging the results of the Senate recount. MPR, AP, Star Tribune and PiPress have stories.

Some legal experts say that Coleman is facing an uphill battle.

Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page will be picking the three-judge panel that will hear the lawsuit.

For the campaigns, an election contest means more fundraising.

The long recount has tested some Minnesotans' patience.

Former Republican Gov. Arne Carlson urges Coleman to concede.

And Sen. Amy Klobuchar is trying to stay out of it.

State Government

MPR's News Cut live-blogs opening day of the 2009 legislative session. MPR, Star Tribune and PiPress also have stories.

First on the agenda: Cutting legislators' travel and postage budgets.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty will deliver his State of the State address on Jan. 15.

State transportation funding will be immune to budget cuts.

Counties are still trying to achieve their goals, despite budget difficulties.


Democrats say they will seat Roland Burris, Gov. Rod Blagojevich's pick to replace President-elect Obama in the Senate.

Freshman Rep. Erik Paulsen has his first day.

Rep. John Kline is building support for his anti-earmark effort.

Rep. Michele Bachmann writes an editorial about the economic stimulus package that she is cosponsoring.

Rep. Keith Ellison sees the proposed tax cuts as helping poor and middle-income Americans.

Joe Biden will be traveling to Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan -- not as Vice President-elect but as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


Obama and his aides are defending their pick of Leon Panetta to head up the CIA.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a doctor and reporter on CNN, is reportedly the leading contender for Surgeon General.

Obama is creating a new position to act as watchdog for federal programs.

And Obama is helping the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee pay down their debt.