Ritchie says recount benefited from experience


Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie says he's impressed by the way his staff and state elections officials handled the Senate recount.

Ritchie spoke Saturday in Washington D.C. at the winter meeting of the National Association of Secretaries of State.

In his keynote address, Ritchie says Minnesota had the benefit of experience with recounts in the past.

"I've been very clear that our ability to do this quickly and clearly, and fairly inexpensively, with accuracy and with integrity, and to end up with this kind of trust was because we have received this whole structure as a gift from others who have come before us or as a gift from some of you as your advice," said Ritchie.

Ritchie says he has been surprised by how many people approach him on the street to comment on the recount.

The recount continues as the three judge panel considers Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman's dispute over rejected absentee ballots.